Friday 20 December 2013

Sams poster to go with the digipack

This is my poster that I did to go with my digipack, I used the same picture as my digipack front cover as this shows synergy between the two items, also it is easier for the audience to reconise when they have seen the poster and are looking for the album, plus I have used the the same font in the advert as I have for the digipack as this also is showing the synergy between the two as well as the simalrities between them. The poster also shows where the digipack can be bought from, it would be distrabuted to more places than the three shown but being realistic I wouldn't be able to fit them all on so the three I have chosen are the three I would have done a deal with to advrtise each other and show the synergy between eachother, also the three that I chose to put in are very big companies, I tunes is the biggest music distributer online, tesco is arguably the biggest supermarket company and hmv is the biggest music hardware store. So using these shops to distribute my product alows me to reach out to a larger audience and sell more copies and make more money. The only thing I did change on the poster was where the weight of living title was positioned this was changed so that I could fit in the "out now" and "available now" because the album may get mixed up with all the different words and the names may be swapped around so I laid it out in this way to make the poster simple but easily rememberable and you can easily tell the name of the album because I put the name in a pale orange so it stands out from the background as well as the rest of the writing that is on the poster, I also postioned the writing in this way so the writing doesn't cover any of the picture so everyone can see the band without looking through the writing.

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