Thursday 19 December 2013

possible pictures for my digipack and why

I have chosen this picture as my front cover after asking (a wide range of people in the sixth form college) which picture looked better for an album cover? And this photo won by 18 votes as this photo got 24 out of 30 so it won by a large margin. I also really like this photo as it show purpose and direction like the band knows where they are going and we are together as a group and not an individual, also the background is very simple so the band and album name will easily fit on to the picture. I am planning on desaturating the picture as well but so the red of the coats stand out and the names of the band and album as then the audience won't be directed just to the middle they will be directed to the names and then the coats as the names will be brighter. This picture as it is now uses a rule of thirds so I will create my poster using the picture as it is now as this shows synergy between the advertisement and the album which is what I am trying to aim for. To take the photos where the three of us are in the shot we used a dslr camera and a tripod and set the camera on a timer.

Choosing between these two picture (above and underneath) was very difficult for me as they are very similar and after looking at them closely I have decided to go for the one on top because of the facial expression the jake has got, and that was what made me choose that picture, also there is more room on the left hand side of this picture, this is good as I was going to use it as my back cover for my album so there need to be some room for the songs to go down the side of the album. The writing of the song will be in white this is because the writing will stand out a lot more from the black curtain background. Another thing in this picture is the attitude that the audience gets from the three of us is very menacing, it's like we are saying what are you even doing looking at us? Which is a look most people stereotype with a teenager so this shows we are still a young band.

The three pictures above are what I'm planning on putting into my inside left cover. I am going to do this by splitting the three pictures up and putting them together so the faces are looking in different directions. I have done this as its very artistic and different, also it fits in with what jake has done with his front cover which was my idea to split the pictures up in to three. 

This is the picture of the wall I will use for the inside left cover, I will use this because it shows the band has moved on and that they are moving at a fast pace. I will cut it down so its just the wall in it, I will do this in photoshop. The Cd will go here so I dont want some thing very complicated that it can be covered up by the cd, that is also another reason why I chose to use this picture. 

Sam Lyon

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