Friday 20 December 2013

sams digipack options


This was wmy first full draft of my digipack but when I was trying to put the bands name and the name of the album it just looked out of place so I asked people to give me feedback on the album, and comments ranged from. "It doesnt look like an album" to "It looks like it is set in emmerdale" so the comments were not what I was searching for. However a few nice things were said, such as "the back cover's font looks very profesional" so I decided to keep this style in my next attempt at a digipack, which is below.  
This was my second attempt at a digipack, when I had finished it even I had to admit that it is a very big improvement to my first one as it looks a lot more like something you would see on an album, the band name and the title of the album fit nicely with the background as they both stand out, I think this was to do with the saturation more than anything else as it alows all the writing to stand out (apart from black as much). Unlike the first digipack I did this one doesn't like in with the video at all, but that's ok as there's more than one song on the album so the pictures could be from different songs, and jake has linked his digipack to the weight of living song, so that could be the lp cover that is sold on ITunes separately as a single and my digipack can be the whole album and the picture can link in with other songs, which are shown on the back cover. I had to change the song list around on this backcover because the writing would have gone over Kelsea and I didn't want this to happen because I want people to be able to focus on all of the band at once and not have anything in the way to distract them, it is the same with the names of the songs, as I didn't want anything to complicated behind them and draw the audiences attention away from the songs. That is another reason why I picked a black curtain background, because of its simplicity and behind the curtain is a stage so it's like the band is about to perform. The picture of the wall is where the band were stood and it shows that the band are always moving forward and aren't going to be at the same stage of their life the whole time. Also this is where the cd will go so I didn't want to hide anything very important behind a cd so I just wanted something plain. The top left picture was originally three separate pictures and was my first thought of a front cover as I was going to do a triangle, I the decided that I would split the front cover into three using these pictures but I couldn't get them equall so i decided to cut the people out of the picture of me and Kelsea and kept jake's picture as an original and layered the cut out of me and Kelsea on top, I did this so people can have a close up of the band and it shows the band is close but they are all different as they are looking in different ways. If I only sold the album onmitunes though the only thing people would be able to see would be the front cover, but in the shops they can see everything so the back cover has everything on it from the song names to where the record was made, and who by also I included who distributed it and which websites to go to to find more details about the band and where to get merchandise for the band which shows synergy between companies as they are advertising inadvertently. 

Sam Lyon

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