Thursday 12 December 2013

sam lyons album ideas

my album cover
My album cover was very poor as the background was to complex and the colours of the background made it hard for me to get the colour of the writing right and for the writing not to look out of place, so this picture of one direction is something I am now aiming to imitate in the way of simplicity, as this allows me to get my band name and title in easily without it looking out of place and weird, instead the simplicity of the backgroung and the way the boys are lined up allows the title to stand out to the audience. Also unlike the other albums one directions name is a different font to the name of the album as well as the album name being very small  
I don't want to repeat the one direction album completely as that isn't really the style that I am looking for so I am going to attempt to a bit of attitude in to the picture by using the style of green days album warning. The way they are walking past the camera like it isn't even there is what I would like to try and do but with a simple background, I also like the fact that there's no colour in the album apart from the name of the artist and the name of the album as this draws your attention to the names even though they aren't central and the album name agian is quite small but the colour is helping it stand out because of the saturation. 
This picture of paramore is also something that jake and I can easily relate to as in the band that we have there is 1 girl and 2 boys, so this picture is good as it shows they are close but not in a weird way and it isn't cheesy like the one direction but it is more direct towards the audience unlike the green day one which doesn't address the audience where as this picture shows some members of paramore addressing the audience but at the same time showing attitude in a very simple picture that could easily be used as an album cover with its simplicity as well. The three pictures also dont really have the feet in as they are using more of a mid shot so this makes the audience focus more on the band members faces. Also for a debut album people want to know what the band looks like so this also is why I have decided to keep the three of us in it.

Sam Lyon

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