Wednesday 26 June 2013

Sam's different types of music video

narrative video
Wake me up when september ends by green day is a very good example of a narrative video, as it is about a boy who meets a girl and they fall in love, and then he enrols in the army and is sent away to go to war, but their love is still strong even though they are far away from each other, the video basically shows how much they love each other and how they feel when they are apsart from each other.

Performance video
Robbin Thickle Blurred lines, is a very funny type of video i was undecided on wether or not it was a concept video or performance video because there was a lot of stange items in the video that made no sense to the actual lyrics of the song, loikie when the girls were carrying a lamb and dice, but hte majority of the video is robbin thickle singing so this swayed me to put this video in performance

Concept video

kasabian shoot the runner, is again a funny type of video as it is a perwformance buit at the same time the people are portrayed as paintings in the style of andy warhol and then half way through the painted people are started to be sprayed with paint in the style of jackson pollock, so this can make people break down the video so they can see what they want in the jacksons painting as different people have different points of veiws on things.

by sam lyon

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