Friday 28 June 2013

Iconic Videos

Foo Fighters - Learn to Fly
This song I feel has many qualities to it, the video consists of Dave Grohl changing characters constantly, by having Dave Grohl playing the majority of characters sometimes they interact (such as the pigtail character and actual Dave Grohl) this requires some advanced technology and the use of green screen in order to have both characters in the same shot. Many if not all of the cabin members and crew are under the influence of drugs except the band Foo Fighters playing themselves who are to be drinking what appears to be whiskey and so an underlying moral of the music video is that drugs can affect you in various ways (such as the woman seeing people turn into burgers) also if they indeed are drinking alcohol then they perhaps could say they are safe under the influences of it or if it is non alcoholic then maybe flying a plane is easy. This video could be said is narrative as it has some form of story behind it however you could rague this is a performance video too as with in the video the screens on the plane have the Foo Fighters performing at a concert also the screen almost always has the lead singer in it Dave Grohl. It is possible that Dave Grohl is in the majority of the scenes throughout this music video because he wants to emphasise that he is the main man, so to speak, he is the lead singer and also has the most knowledge behind the band. At one stage Dave was given the title of worlds best drummer after drumming in The Queen of the Stone Age's song 'No One Knows'. He also plays guitar and is the lead singer.

My Chemical Romance - Teenagers
This video can be said to have a conceptual category as the appearances of the cheerleaders (which are usually sexy in videos now have gas masks on) the strange fist pumping behaviour of the teenagers who entered what looks like a gymnasium. This video could be said to be a performance as My Chemical Romance are performing on the stage in the video. This video could be thought as rememberable as the video would suggest that teenagers are hostile animals with a destructive nature also the use of the word 'shit' is constantly repeat through out the video which is a word commonly used within a teenage culture. In the background there is an image of an explosion which could suggest a stereo typical teenager what vandaslises property and makes a mess where ever they go. The colours black and red are the main theme of the video and that could suggest that teenagers are dark and mischiveous also the darkness of the colours could symbolise the fact that teenagers are secluded and like to stay in dark laces (ie. hide in their rooms).

MC Hammer - U Can't Touch This
U Can't Touch This is most commonly remembered for the 'paracute pants' the low riding crotch in the flimsy material. Also there are many women wearing little clothes and skin tight at that potentially shows how the male eye sees women. Also the style of clothing the actors/dancers wear in this video shows what kind of style that era wore. The bright colours on all, and guys wearing baggy tops and trousers give people now a days the knowledge of what people wore also those who were teenagers around that time will remember their past times of what they used to wear too. This video is also the first where Mc Hammer sings/dances surounded by only women. The dance moves in this video are not what you would see now a days however the style of dance would of been seen in a lot of dance clubs in the 1990s. This dance is known as a 'chav dance' in the teen culture at the moment as whenever a person would dance like Mc Hammer at discos or parties they were considered dancing 'like a chav'.


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