Wednesday 26 June 2013

Naughty Boy- La La La

This video links very well to its lyrics. For instance 'Im covering my ears like a kid' is what is actually happening when the lyrics are sang. Also when the words 'I found a way to block it' is another time when the child in the video is covering his ears so this also links with the video. Also when the lyrics say ''rather be a coward' it shows a man handing another man a heart which is liinked toward courage also the man whio is givena heart has a metalic look to him which reminded mew of the tin man from the wizard of oz, the tin man who wanted the heart. Another point is when the words are said 'I don't mean to judge' it shows a man wearing a mask to hide his face, not wanting to be judged by his looks. Then the lyrics go 'enough is enoug' and the man stops dancing. Towards the end of the video the 'lalala la' gets slightly quieter with less backing music whilst the kid is asleep almost like a lulaby.


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