Tuesday 25 June 2013

Iconic Videos

This video is ice ice baby by vanilla ice. The reason this video is iconic is because he was the first white rapper and will always be remembered for that. Also the style in this video influenced a lot of style from that time. This video is then seen as an iconic video as obviously people remember it for it to influence style to others and the reason it is so rememberable is because he was the first white rapper so it was not something you would see everyday.

This is a song done by Will smith who is not only a singing/rapping legend but also an acting legend which makes this song so rememberable as it was used as a theme tune for a tv show. This video became even more iconic as time went on and Will Smith got back and people started to look back at his history and this obviously became the thing that started him off on the path that he is on.

This video is seen as being very sexually natured and shows the representation of gender very well saying men are mindless robot who are controlled by women and they are controlled by the sexual attraction towards women. This video is simply iconic because everyone remembers it, you same the name of the song and people remember the video for it.


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