Friday 28 June 2013

Iconic Videos

Foo Fighters - Learn to Fly
This song I feel has many qualities to it, the video consists of Dave Grohl changing characters constantly, by having Dave Grohl playing the majority of characters sometimes they interact (such as the pigtail character and actual Dave Grohl) this requires some advanced technology and the use of green screen in order to have both characters in the same shot. Many if not all of the cabin members and crew are under the influence of drugs except the band Foo Fighters playing themselves who are to be drinking what appears to be whiskey and so an underlying moral of the music video is that drugs can affect you in various ways (such as the woman seeing people turn into burgers) also if they indeed are drinking alcohol then they perhaps could say they are safe under the influences of it or if it is non alcoholic then maybe flying a plane is easy. This video could be said is narrative as it has some form of story behind it however you could rague this is a performance video too as with in the video the screens on the plane have the Foo Fighters performing at a concert also the screen almost always has the lead singer in it Dave Grohl. It is possible that Dave Grohl is in the majority of the scenes throughout this music video because he wants to emphasise that he is the main man, so to speak, he is the lead singer and also has the most knowledge behind the band. At one stage Dave was given the title of worlds best drummer after drumming in The Queen of the Stone Age's song 'No One Knows'. He also plays guitar and is the lead singer.

My Chemical Romance - Teenagers
This video can be said to have a conceptual category as the appearances of the cheerleaders (which are usually sexy in videos now have gas masks on) the strange fist pumping behaviour of the teenagers who entered what looks like a gymnasium. This video could be said to be a performance as My Chemical Romance are performing on the stage in the video. This video could be thought as rememberable as the video would suggest that teenagers are hostile animals with a destructive nature also the use of the word 'shit' is constantly repeat through out the video which is a word commonly used within a teenage culture. In the background there is an image of an explosion which could suggest a stereo typical teenager what vandaslises property and makes a mess where ever they go. The colours black and red are the main theme of the video and that could suggest that teenagers are dark and mischiveous also the darkness of the colours could symbolise the fact that teenagers are secluded and like to stay in dark laces (ie. hide in their rooms).

MC Hammer - U Can't Touch This
U Can't Touch This is most commonly remembered for the 'paracute pants' the low riding crotch in the flimsy material. Also there are many women wearing little clothes and skin tight at that potentially shows how the male eye sees women. Also the style of clothing the actors/dancers wear in this video shows what kind of style that era wore. The bright colours on all, and guys wearing baggy tops and trousers give people now a days the knowledge of what people wore also those who were teenagers around that time will remember their past times of what they used to wear too. This video is also the first where Mc Hammer sings/dances surounded by only women. The dance moves in this video are not what you would see now a days however the style of dance would of been seen in a lot of dance clubs in the 1990s. This dance is known as a 'chav dance' in the teen culture at the moment as whenever a person would dance like Mc Hammer at discos or parties they were considered dancing 'like a chav'.


Wednesday 26 June 2013

Sam's different types of music video

narrative video
Wake me up when september ends by green day is a very good example of a narrative video, as it is about a boy who meets a girl and they fall in love, and then he enrols in the army and is sent away to go to war, but their love is still strong even though they are far away from each other, the video basically shows how much they love each other and how they feel when they are apsart from each other.

Performance video
Robbin Thickle Blurred lines, is a very funny type of video i was undecided on wether or not it was a concept video or performance video because there was a lot of stange items in the video that made no sense to the actual lyrics of the song, loikie when the girls were carrying a lamb and dice, but hte majority of the video is robbin thickle singing so this swayed me to put this video in performance

Concept video

kasabian shoot the runner, is again a funny type of video as it is a perwformance buit at the same time the people are portrayed as paintings in the style of andy warhol and then half way through the painted people are started to be sprayed with paint in the style of jackson pollock, so this can make people break down the video so they can see what they want in the jacksons painting as different people have different points of veiws on things.

by sam lyon

Naughty Boy- La La La

This video links very well to its lyrics. For instance 'Im covering my ears like a kid' is what is actually happening when the lyrics are sang. Also when the words 'I found a way to block it' is another time when the child in the video is covering his ears so this also links with the video. Also when the lyrics say ''rather be a coward' it shows a man handing another man a heart which is liinked toward courage also the man whio is givena heart has a metalic look to him which reminded mew of the tin man from the wizard of oz, the tin man who wanted the heart. Another point is when the words are said 'I don't mean to judge' it shows a man wearing a mask to hide his face, not wanting to be judged by his looks. Then the lyrics go 'enough is enoug' and the man stops dancing. Towards the end of the video the 'lalala la' gets slightly quieter with less backing music whilst the kid is asleep almost like a lulaby.


Tuesday 25 June 2013

Iconic Videos

This video is ice ice baby by vanilla ice. The reason this video is iconic is because he was the first white rapper and will always be remembered for that. Also the style in this video influenced a lot of style from that time. This video is then seen as an iconic video as obviously people remember it for it to influence style to others and the reason it is so rememberable is because he was the first white rapper so it was not something you would see everyday.

This is a song done by Will smith who is not only a singing/rapping legend but also an acting legend which makes this song so rememberable as it was used as a theme tune for a tv show. This video became even more iconic as time went on and Will Smith got back and people started to look back at his history and this obviously became the thing that started him off on the path that he is on.

This video is seen as being very sexually natured and shows the representation of gender very well saying men are mindless robot who are controlled by women and they are controlled by the sexual attraction towards women. This video is simply iconic because everyone remembers it, you same the name of the song and people remember the video for it.


Music Video Categories

The three main types of music catergories are; performance, narrative and conceptual. Performance videos are those such as 'Let her go' by Passenger. Performance videos allow the viewer to see how important the soundtrack is aswell as the band members or artists are. These videos tend to show the actual group/artist performing on stages or in an enclosed room, much like at a concert.

Narrative videos basically do what it says on the package, its 'narrative', meaning the video tells a story. There is usually a linear sequence of events that occur however in some cases there are flash backs and flash forwards but still the video tells the story. The most common narrative music videos are love stories, the narrative itself is that two people fall in love or stay in love, something happens to break them up then they get back together at the end. An example of this is Enrique Iglesias's - Hero.

Conceptual videos have an abstract nature to them, they usually dont have any relation to the music itself. Videos such as Sea's - Breathe Me the pictures thrown around which dont really have any connection to her need to be held and wrapped up. Daft Punk also have many conceptual videos with the animation as the videos or the strange costumes with old school dancing.


Analysis of music videos

I did a few analysis's of music videos by Green Day's songs, Holiday and Jesus of suburbia, I had wrote them out and I have used Andrew Goodwin's 6 features of music videos that he used in his book dancing in the distraction factory.

Sam Lyon

Friday 21 June 2013

History of the Music Video

This video may not have the information needed to explain what the changes through music videos are, however on this we will try to explain what we meant by the different eras. The main focus our group gained from research of the music video is the lyrical meaning behind it. Started from 1950s you see Elvis Presley and even though his lyrics have some narrative nature behind it the song is full of  "You ain't nothin' but a hound dog". Even though it is good to have some repetitiveness throughout a song or music video it seems over played. In 2000s Avril Lavigne also repeats "hey hey you you" through out the song the other lyrics tell a more narrative story and that is what is beneficial to music videos with songs that include meaningful lyrics as producers are able to incorporate the lyrics to actions which in itself creates an image in your head of what might be happening and the music video will tend to be relatively similar to your original thought process.

What we should have done to improve our video was we should have explained the changes through the eras and how the music videos improve the popularity of songs and channels created for this purpose, such as Youtube and MTV.

Sam Lyon 

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Friday 14 June 2013

Ed Sheeran Analysis

Ed Sheeran- Give me love

Genre Characteristics

As far as the style of the people feature in this music video the clothing is very layed back and casual, to fit with the nature of the artist. Ed sheeran is all about being relaxed and not rushing about doing anything, even the main actor in the video has messy hair which suggests a layed back style. At the beginning she is sat on a bed in very loose clothing ripping it off and this mixed with the bed is a hint towards a sexual nature.

Relationship between lyrics and visuals

The relationship between the lyrics and visuals has many parts, first of all the song is called give me love and through out the song/video these words are repeated which connects with the idea of cupid and hitting people with love arrows however it also shows how she is lonely and how she wants someone to give her love but is unable to because she is not human and can only create it for other people. Another point is when the lyrics say I wanna hold you, people start kissing at that point to fit with the lyrics. Another point is when the lyrics hide and seek are said the main star is actually hiding.

Relationship between music and visuals

The music seems to change though out as far as when she enters the club the tempo of the music picks up and gets faster. Then when the goes underground the voice of the singer goes into a lower tone.

Close ups of the artist/artists

In this video the closest you get is a mid shot of Ed Sheeran in the coffee shop to show that he is also alone but there is noone there for him to fall in love with so the artist can relate to him becuase like him she is also alone.

Refference to looking

Cupid in the video is constanlty looking at people secretly without them noticing, through coffee shop windows this is all voyorism.

Cupid is shown in this video which relates to Greek mythology.


Hello Fellow Viewers

This blog has been created by Sam Lyon and Jacob Taylor-Neale. Throughout this blog you will see how we plan, construct and evaluate our own music video. We also have other priliminary tasks which we will show on here, such as our 'Music through History' task and our analysis' of music videos plus many other tasks which we have not currently taken part in yet.

On behalf of both of us we would like to thank you for viewing our blog and we hope you enjoy its content.