Wednesday 27 November 2013

Analyisng location

location is important in videos because it can link in with the lyrics and make the video seem more realistic, like royle concepts video to on our way, this links in with the lyrics as they are on about being young and having fun so the location is where young people hang out during summer and they are having fun together so this shows that the location is needed as that is what you expect to see with the lyrics that have been sung because it would look very odd and out of place if they were in a school being taught in classes and the lyrics are about having fun. So we have used some locations that fit in well with our video, like Kelsea's part of being bullied, most bullying goes on in school so we used the school for all her parts, where as Jakes part is needed to be done in offices late at night so we are using a college office, this is useful because the office looks like a work place and thats what Jake's character needs. All the footballers scene is in a sports facility, football pitch and in a bedroom when he is unable to play becasue of injury. So we had to think carefully where we were going to film as the location had to fit in with the story line and if it didnt it would look very odd. Alos we have to think about the time of day and the weather as well. So for jakes part we will have to film when its starting to get dark to show he is staying at work late to show he has laods to do and he has to work hard. Also for the cloud passing we have to pick a day when its not raining and the clouds are moving about quite a bit so they look better than just one big cloud. For the football bit the weather doesn't really matter as long as its not too windy. The performance bits will be done on a stage in college with no body there as it is like the band is practicing or it could be done in a room as that way it's like the band is practising at home so either one would work.

Sam Lyon

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