Wednesday 13 November 2013

Synergy of Stereophonics magazine advert

Stereophonics advert for the ablum Keep calm and carry on, the band is siting having lunch or a drink at a table but the sea is coming in and covering their legs but they dont seem bothered by it, so this is a denotation as you can see that they should be bothered but they aren't so this links in with album title.
The cover is quite bland apart from the bottles on the table which is right in the middle and the band only covers a third but its the horizontal middle third that they are covering so this is keeping band in the middle so the audiences eyes are drawn to the band equally as know one is higher up than each other and they are all in an eye line so you cant help but look at all of them at once. The poster is the album cover as well so if you see the advert then you know what the album looks like which is a very good idea as you dont want to many pictures on a one page advert as it gets confusing. Another good thing about this advert is the bit at the bottom, which is giving the information about when the album is out and what platform it is available on, this is vital information to the audience as some people may not be able to get certain types of media platforms as some peole may not have I tunes so they may have to buy the CD, and it shows that they apeal to a wider range of audience as a smaller band wouldnt put their material on to different platforms because there wouldnt be much point as not many people would buy it. Also synergy is shown on the advert becuase the stereophonics website is printed at the bottom so this alows people to acsess the band on the computer instead of just in magazines, so this is something Jake and I will take in to consideration.

Sam Lyon

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