Wednesday 27 November 2013

Analyisng location

location is important in videos because it can link in with the lyrics and make the video seem more realistic, like royle concepts video to on our way, this links in with the lyrics as they are on about being young and having fun so the location is where young people hang out during summer and they are having fun together so this shows that the location is needed as that is what you expect to see with the lyrics that have been sung because it would look very odd and out of place if they were in a school being taught in classes and the lyrics are about having fun. So we have used some locations that fit in well with our video, like Kelsea's part of being bullied, most bullying goes on in school so we used the school for all her parts, where as Jakes part is needed to be done in offices late at night so we are using a college office, this is useful because the office looks like a work place and thats what Jake's character needs. All the footballers scene is in a sports facility, football pitch and in a bedroom when he is unable to play becasue of injury. So we had to think carefully where we were going to film as the location had to fit in with the story line and if it didnt it would look very odd. Alos we have to think about the time of day and the weather as well. So for jakes part we will have to film when its starting to get dark to show he is staying at work late to show he has laods to do and he has to work hard. Also for the cloud passing we have to pick a day when its not raining and the clouds are moving about quite a bit so they look better than just one big cloud. For the football bit the weather doesn't really matter as long as its not too windy. The performance bits will be done on a stage in college with no body there as it is like the band is practicing or it could be done in a room as that way it's like the band is practising at home so either one would work.

Sam Lyon

Wednesday 13 November 2013

synergy between album products

Eminem has himself in each one of his albums so this is showing that it is his album, another thing that links in all of these albums is that one E is backwards this is another way of showing that the album is buy Eminem, these help fans of eminem pick out his material easier and gives him a certain style of albums as the covers aren't completely different form eachother. On these albums there is a parental guidence sticker on them, this is to stop children listening to the music, but doing a quick bit of research most people said when they were younger they were more attracted to an album with the parental guidence stickers as they wanted to hear the swearing and rebel. Also I will do some of my own research into finding adverts of artists who bring out explicit albums and see if their adverts include the fact that there album is explicit and the younger generation shouldn't be listening to it.

Synergy of Stereophonics magazine advert

Stereophonics advert for the ablum Keep calm and carry on, the band is siting having lunch or a drink at a table but the sea is coming in and covering their legs but they dont seem bothered by it, so this is a denotation as you can see that they should be bothered but they aren't so this links in with album title.
The cover is quite bland apart from the bottles on the table which is right in the middle and the band only covers a third but its the horizontal middle third that they are covering so this is keeping band in the middle so the audiences eyes are drawn to the band equally as know one is higher up than each other and they are all in an eye line so you cant help but look at all of them at once. The poster is the album cover as well so if you see the advert then you know what the album looks like which is a very good idea as you dont want to many pictures on a one page advert as it gets confusing. Another good thing about this advert is the bit at the bottom, which is giving the information about when the album is out and what platform it is available on, this is vital information to the audience as some people may not be able to get certain types of media platforms as some peole may not have I tunes so they may have to buy the CD, and it shows that they apeal to a wider range of audience as a smaller band wouldnt put their material on to different platforms because there wouldnt be much point as not many people would buy it. Also synergy is shown on the advert becuase the stereophonics website is printed at the bottom so this alows people to acsess the band on the computer instead of just in magazines, so this is something Jake and I will take in to consideration.

Sam Lyon

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Back of digipacks analysis

This is a live cd of a guns n' roses tour and the picture on the back is of a band member who is doing a live performance and the performer isn't in the complete centre but its close enough for the audience to be drawn to easily and for them to see the names of the songs, also there is alot of dark colours in the background then the yellow writing is used this is good because the song names standout easily.

The back of green days 21st century breakdown doesn't show the performer but it uses a unusual drawing that shows love and aggression with the picture as the couple are kissing on top of a car but the background is on fire to show anarchy, aggression and also against the dark background it draws the attention of the audience to the picture of the couple. 

Eminem's new album MMLP2has a digipak to it and this looks very simple as the is no outstanding imigary that is showing emeinem in it, it is shown as a sign post saying danger as it is liking in with the front cover which is a wooden shack that looks like it is about to fall down and the sing post is saying the building is unsafe and dangerous, the back cover is very different as there is no way of telling from the back of the album that it is by Eminem.

Monday 11 November 2013

Lyrics, timings and shot list

The weight of living 0.05
(fading into the video)

The weight of living 0.09
(busines man typing the weight of living is an over the shoulder shot)

The weight of living 0.13
(nerd in the corridor holding a folder saying weight of living on it, is a mid/long shot)

The weight of living 0.17
(Footballer braking ankle will be a close up so the audience can see whats happened)

All that you desired, when you were a child was to be old, was to be old
Now that you are here, suddenly you fear you've lost control, lost control 0.20-0.36
(footballer looking at the picture is an over the shoulder shot then from there the camera will be moved to focus on the picture on the wall of the person he aspires to become this will be a close up shot then the camera will show a mirror and in the reflection of the mirror will be the footballers ankle that is in cast so this will be a close up again but in a different way as the audience will be looking at the reflection and not right at it)

Do you like the person you've become? 0.36-0.43
(busines man turns off the computer screen is a close/mid shot, even though the audience can only see his face the shot is mainly off the computer then you can see the reflection off the computer screen)

[ Lyrics from: ]
Under the weight of living, you're under the weight of living 0.43-0.51 ---- 1.28-1.35
1. (Unsuccessful buisiness man gets into car and goes home)
2. (Unsuccessful buisiness man writing CV)

Under the weight of living you are under the weight of living 0.51-1.01 --- 1.35-1.45
1. (unsuccessful buisiness man gets home and recieves letter of redundency then goes to car and puts head on steering wheel)
2. (successful footballer watching football game)

The weight of living 1.01-1.06 --- 1.45-1.50
1. (unsuccessful school girl gets pushed over in corridoor)
2. (successful footballer in the gym getting better)

It all crept upon you, in the night it got you and plagued your mind, it plagued your mind 1.06-1.13
(unsuccessful school girl wakes up in middle of night relising it was all a dream)

Everyday it passes, faster than the last did and you'll be old, soon you'll be old 1.13-1.20
(clouds go over, time pass shot)

Do you like the person you've become? 1.20-1.28
(unsuccessful school girl looking into mirror crying)


Oh, tell yourself this is how it's going to be, oh tell yourself this is how it's going to be 1.50-2.20
(Unsuccessful buisiness man getting rejected by multiple job interviewers)


The weight of living
(successful footballer getting better at gym)

The weight of living
(successful footballer training football game)

The weight of living
(successful footballer playing charity game)

The weight of living
(successful footballer scoring)

JTN and Sam Lyon

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Central focus- Album covers

The Guns 'n Roses album follows the line convention as the cross on the album follows the actual crosses across and down, this brings your eyes into the middle of the album especially as there is a plain black background and the cross is in differnet contrasting bright colours.
This album follows the the guide lines that most do of having the main focus central on the cover. This is where you are drawn to look on album covers. The lips of Christina stand out as the red lipstick is a big contrast to her pale skin.

This digipack goes against the normal digipack style as the main focus of the album is not in the centre of the page, instead it is slightly off to the right. The reason they will have done this is to draw a attention as the audience would think it it is a bit different from normal album covers and might have something else to offer.
JTN and Sam Lyon

M.I.A bad girls analysing socialgroups in music videos

M.I.A. Bad Girls
Music Genre - Rap, Hip hop, Indian music
The social group of the people in the music video are mainly female and they are indian but are rebelious in their traditions. This is clear by the way they are dressed in the traditional burkqa

other women dressed in full outfits but has patterns on
guys stood around the sides watching over making a barrier perhaps to say they disaprove
car races/horses
M.i.a.'s outfits tighter than other costumes
rebelious of clothing, lyrics suggest rebelion

1-indian, rebels
2-traits-female outfits, bling, car shows, dancing keeps some tradition but then some grinding