Wednesday 9 October 2013

Treatment and Storyboard

Bastille - The Weight of Living-Part 2
Above is the story board for our music video, the first scene is of the first unsuccessful character (1), we will do an over the shoulder shot, looking at a computer screen where 1 will be typing ' The Weight of Living', the next shot will be of the next unsuccessful character (2) this female will be stood in a corridor holding up a folder which had the title of the song on also, the next shot is of the successful character (3) where you will see him "break his leg" falling to the floor, from a football match, with the words 'The Weight of Living' sprayed onto the grass next to where he falls. 
Once the title of the song has been enthasised, the shot after that will be in 3's bedroom, there will be a long mirror in this shot along with a poster of a football role model (Marco Reus) and a picture of 3 as a child in football unifrom. The camaera will flip from the picture of the children, to the poster of the role model then to show 3 through the mirror but showing the cast on his leg from the previous 'break of the leg'.
Next (1) looks into the dark screen of his computer to see his own reflection whilst 'do you like the person you have become is playing in the background. After that (1) drives home to where his kids are waiting for him, however he finds a letted which tells him he has beeen made redundent and can't be bothered with anything. Next (2) gets pushed over in the corridoor and all her folders fall on the ground. After this (2) is laying in her bed think about her life all depressed. Then goes to a time pass with clouds going past in the sky. Then goes to a scene of (2) infront of some lockers. Then goes to a scene of (2) looking into a mirror crying whilst the words 'do you like the person you've become'. Next is a scene of (1) looking at CV and job sites. Then scene of (3) in the crowd watching his team playing football and how he is sad that he cannot play. Then shows (3) getting better working with a doctor and on tredmills. Then the closing scene is (3) playing football again.

JTN and Sam lyon 

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