Monday 7 October 2013

Analysing lighting

Lighting can be used in many different ways, such as to make the main character stand out or to focus on someone, also it can be to set the mood in the video. Thriller is a good example because in the video, the background is dark but the people in the film are lit up by the lights so the audience can see them and the dark background gives the film a more spooky affect and adds tension which links in with the theme of the lyrics.

The lighting makes a big difference to a film because if everything was the same brightness then the main characters wouldn't stand out as much as they do as they wouldn't make a big impact as they should do as they would blend in unless the character is on there own then that makes it obvious who the audience is looking at.

Another thing light does is show emotion with the colour of the lighting, usually red is common with love/romance so this can also show the audience how the character is feeling at the time. 

We will try to use lighting in our video to make the audience focus on a specific person (when Kelsea wakes up from a dream when it's dark we will put some light on her then so you can see hear) 

Sam Lyon

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