Friday 6 September 2013

Social Groups

A social group is where a collective of people share a similar interest or have certain things in common.

Social cohesion - Sherif et al 1956 defined social cohesion as; common motives and goals, accepted roles within the group, established status (relationships, dominance, rank structure), accepted norms and values with reference to matters relevant to the group and development of accepted santions (praise and punishment) if and when norms are respected or violated.

Social identity is similar to stereotypes as in a specific social group you will see the people involved perhaps dress and act a certain way. (ie. gym members - bald, wife beater tops, stack head)

Social identity theory - Henri Tajfel and John Turner 1986 - states that social behaviour will vary along a continuum between interpersonal behaviour and intergroup behaviour. (Mean Girls movie- they must wear pink on a specific day to stay in the group otherwise they are kicked out) People have an inbuilt tendancy to categoriese themselves with others similar .................

Relevant to media so we know how to attract the right audience (target audience), typical music video about teenage life - target audience will be teenagers.

Social Catergorisation -> Social Identification -> Social Comparision
People categorise objects in order to understand them. People are categorised so people understand their social enviroment.
Once categorised, individuals tend to adopt the identity of the social group. This is apparent in the way people; dress, talk, act etc.
Once we have categorised ourselves into a group we compare ourselves to other social groups.

Lolly pop - vegas setting, hotel rooms (potential gold diggers/prostitutes/drug dealers/pimps) limos, wine, tight short dresses.
Rap, hip hop
Identifier - music, costumes, limo, bling

Sam Lyon

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