Thursday 5 September 2013

Mathangi Arulpragasam (A.K.A - M.I.A.)

Mathangi Arulpragasam was born on July 18th 1975 in London, she is a very talented woman, she is a; singer, rapper, song writer, record producer, visual artist, photographer, fashion designer and a model. M.I.A. (Mathangi's stage name) is an inspiration, she is an amazing rapper and that is quite uncommon in her generation of music as women rappers are looked down upon and thought of that they cannot achieve good rapping abilities. M.I.A. has had a traumatic past living in poverty untill the age of 11 where she and her family were able to take refugee in London. M.I.A. even dedicated the album Kala to her mother about the struggles she went through.

There have been times when it appears M.I.A. has been looked down upon for talking about her past in her songs and the use of gunshots in the background as it is not what the American government want others to hear or maybe even know about however M.I.A. feels others should know what cruelty is occuring there and stated to TIME magazine that "I can sing about songs with gunshots in the background because I heard them. It's almost like my music has been a way to smoke out the hatred that's been bubbling underneath what's going on in Sri Lanka. If there's 300,000 people who are trapped and they're dying, it should be talked about, it should be brought to the table, and I don't see anything wrong in sticking up for 300,000 dying people."


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