Friday 20 September 2013

Analysing social groups - Slipknot- Duality

This video represents people who listen to metal, in this video they are seen as angry and violent as the men in the video destroy everything in their way and have no respect for people's property. Also they are seen dressed in not much clothing or dark clothing. This does suit the type of music though as therre is quite about of shouting in the song so the shouting is linked with anger and rage. This is shown in the way the people behave in the music video as the men are destoying things in the house and are very aggressive in thier behaviour.

Sam Lyon

Artist profile Green Day

Green day are a punk rock band that have been around since 1987,  The band consists of lead vocalist and guitarist Billie Joe Armstrong, bassist and backing vocalist Mike Dirnt, drummer TrĂ© Cool. Green Day only started to become a big band in their break through year of 1994 with their album Dookie, then 9 years later they produced american idiot, which sold 7 million copies in the first week world wide. Green Day have biult up a punk rock reputation through out their career by the music they play (lyrically and instrumentally), clothes they wear and by their videos (the people who star in it and the actions that occur in the videos). A good example of how Green Day are represented is by the video to jesus of suburbia as the video is about drinking and drug use by people who are from a punk background, you can tell this as they are wearing leather jackets and have shaved heads or spiky and individual styles of hair with ripped clothing like they don't care what they wear, this is what green day dress like. Also the punks in the video look like they are wanting to rebel against things which is another thing green day represents through their music in certain songs like American idiot or holiday which is about how the government use propaganda and how things are done. But as Green Day are getting at a ripe age as a band they have calmed down their style of music and produced some softer style of rock instead of their energetic music they started off with.

Sam Lyon

Successful rules of composition

How to create interesting shots,
1- backgrounds
2- rule of thirds
3- framing
4- leading lines
5- balance

What is your favourite music genre?
60's rock

Are there many music videos for this genre?
why do you think that is?

If there were music videos for this genre what would you like to see in the video?
A perfomance based video, showing the band actually playing.

Leading Lines
Curved line=softness/movement

Symetrical- formal apperence
Asymmetrical -informal, may suggest a creative and more exciting mood


Analysing Social Groups in Music Videos

M.I.A. Bad Girls
Music Genre - Rap, Hip hop, Indian music
The social group of the people in the music video are mainly female and they are indian but are rebelious in their traditions. This is clear by the way they are dressed in the traditional burkqa

other women dressed in full outfits but has patterns on
guys stood around the sides watching over making a barrier perhaps to say they disaprove
car races/horses
M.i.a.'s outfits tighter than other costumes
rebelious of clothing, lyrics suggest rebelion

1-indian, rebels
2-traits-female outfits, bling, car shows, dancing keeps some tradition but then some grinding


Social grouping music videos

I chose avicii-wake me up to do this on as i thought it would be a good one for social groups as the video is based on either a mother and daughter or two sisters who do not belong in the town where they live, so it is not their social group. So the mother/older sister wanders of to find a place they belong and it turns out they belong in the festival music life styled group. Where as the people they were living with were armish type people. The traits of this group are going to listen to music and having fun! Where as the place they came from have the traits of being boring, with no colours, and no fun, and all farming type stuff.


Friday 6 September 2013

Social Groups

A social group is where a collective of people share a similar interest or have certain things in common.

Social cohesion - Sherif et al 1956 defined social cohesion as; common motives and goals, accepted roles within the group, established status (relationships, dominance, rank structure), accepted norms and values with reference to matters relevant to the group and development of accepted santions (praise and punishment) if and when norms are respected or violated.

Social identity is similar to stereotypes as in a specific social group you will see the people involved perhaps dress and act a certain way. (ie. gym members - bald, wife beater tops, stack head)

Social identity theory - Henri Tajfel and John Turner 1986 - states that social behaviour will vary along a continuum between interpersonal behaviour and intergroup behaviour. (Mean Girls movie- they must wear pink on a specific day to stay in the group otherwise they are kicked out) People have an inbuilt tendancy to categoriese themselves with others similar .................

Relevant to media so we know how to attract the right audience (target audience), typical music video about teenage life - target audience will be teenagers.

Social Catergorisation -> Social Identification -> Social Comparision
People categorise objects in order to understand them. People are categorised so people understand their social enviroment.
Once categorised, individuals tend to adopt the identity of the social group. This is apparent in the way people; dress, talk, act etc.
Once we have categorised ourselves into a group we compare ourselves to other social groups.

Lolly pop - vegas setting, hotel rooms (potential gold diggers/prostitutes/drug dealers/pimps) limos, wine, tight short dresses.
Rap, hip hop
Identifier - music, costumes, limo, bling

Sam Lyon

Thursday 5 September 2013

Lyrics to our choosen song

The weight of living [x4]

All that you desired, when you were a child
Was to be old, was to be old
Now that you are here, suddenly you fear
You've lost control (You've lost control)
Do you like the person you've become? Oh

Under the weight of living
You're under the weight of living
Under the weight of living
You are under the weight of living
The weight of living, the weight of living

It all crept up on you, in the night it got you
And plagued your mind, it plagues your mind
Every day that passes, faster than the last did
And you'll be old soon, you'll be old
Do you like the person you've become? Oh

Under the weight of living
You're under the weight of living
Under the weight of living
You are under the weight of living
The weight of living, the weight of living

(Tell yourself this is how it's going to be)
(Tell yourself this is how it's going to be)

Oh, tell yourself this is how it's going to be.
Oh, tell yourself this is how it's going to be, oh.

Under the weight of living
You're under the weight of living
Under the weight of living
You are under the weight of living
The weight of living, the weight of living
The weight of living, the weight of living


Mathangi Arulpragasam (A.K.A - M.I.A.)

Mathangi Arulpragasam was born on July 18th 1975 in London, she is a very talented woman, she is a; singer, rapper, song writer, record producer, visual artist, photographer, fashion designer and a model. M.I.A. (Mathangi's stage name) is an inspiration, she is an amazing rapper and that is quite uncommon in her generation of music as women rappers are looked down upon and thought of that they cannot achieve good rapping abilities. M.I.A. has had a traumatic past living in poverty untill the age of 11 where she and her family were able to take refugee in London. M.I.A. even dedicated the album Kala to her mother about the struggles she went through.

There have been times when it appears M.I.A. has been looked down upon for talking about her past in her songs and the use of gunshots in the background as it is not what the American government want others to hear or maybe even know about however M.I.A. feels others should know what cruelty is occuring there and stated to TIME magazine that "I can sing about songs with gunshots in the background because I heard them. It's almost like my music has been a way to smoke out the hatred that's been bubbling underneath what's going on in Sri Lanka. If there's 300,000 people who are trapped and they're dying, it should be talked about, it should be brought to the table, and I don't see anything wrong in sticking up for 300,000 dying people."


Bastille - Weight of Living Part Two

This song will be what our group will work on over the next few months, we will create a music video to back up this song and to good quality. We will need to audition for acting parts in this video and specific props may be needed for specific scenes within the music video.