Wednesday 17 July 2013

Sam's top 5 features of a music video

  1. relationship between lyrics and the visuals- themes, mise-en-scene and events of the video match with lyrics of the song, to help to show the message of the song.
  2. relationship between the music and the visuals- so the cuts of the video are in time with the beat of the song and the matching notes can go with certain cuts.
  3. music videos have genre characteristics - certain features are expected out of a video depending on the genre of the music videos 
  4. close ups of the artists and motifs that reoccur across multiple videos- so the record label to promote a set image for the band
  5. emphasis on looking- so a man will look at things that apeal to men, so half naked women would apear on a music video that is done by a male artist this also helps sell the song ( blurred lines by robin thickle)

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