Tuesday 11 February 2014

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Performance- why we put it in

After finishing our filming and editing of the narrative part of our film we realised we were very short of film as we had to cut down a lot of the footage so it was quick paced, fit with the timing of the Drum and kept the audience on their toes as it has them wondering what will come up next. So jake and I decided to add performance to our video, this helped us fill in for the missing footage and is also synergy for our digipaks as you now know who is in the band and what they look like, because we could have got actors to play the characters in the narrative, but now the audience can now see that is the band playing the characters which is what Michael Jackson does in thriller, which was a very big and successful video. To shoot the performance part of the video we used the school recording studio which we asked the music teacher to use. We used this as it looks more professional and looks more like where a band would record a song as to being in a bedroom or a garage, plus we had access to a drum kit which was much needed as quite a few shots were focused on the drums, and in the recording studio there was access to tuning and recording equipment so we used this to give the effect to the audience that we were performing the song live at the time, this was backed up with an over the shoulder shot of Kelsea playing the key board, a close up of my (Sam's) hands playing the guitar and jake's foot on the bass drum. We didn't actually play the instruments as non of us could play the song so we improvised on the instruments and try to find the basic beat in it for the drums and guitar and for the keyboard we wrote down the specific times of when you could hear the key board coming through and got Kelsea to play a few chords that were in time with the song that we played out loud so she knew when to play.

Sam Lyon

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